Climb the Mountain will be your partner along your coaching journey, offering you the right knowledge and resources each step of the way. Because if we can make coaches better, we can have an even bigger impact on our players’ and children’s lives.
Coach Nate joins Youth Football Online to talk about how to defend the run from the 3-5 Stack Def...
Improvement on any level all starts with your training. We have a shared goal to help kids interested in flag football reach their full potential. Climb the Mountain curates and organizes the best available thinking and training from around the Internet, making your research process much more effective and efficient.
Learning the game, becoming more disciplined, and improving your skills all start at the same place – practice. Learn how to create the right structure of teaching and training to make every practice count.
“When you climb the mountain you always look up, you don’t look back. When you’re climbing you're always looking forward. But when you climb the mountain, very few people get to the top. Those who do get to the top seldom stay on top.”
“So the lesson is, you better keep climbing. Never be complacent. Never be satisfied. Just because you make it to one goal, one season, only means the challenges are going to be greater in the future because you become the target of what other people are trying to be. So we just try to keep climbing.”
– Nick Saban